May I work until my state pension (AOW)?
Will my employer allow me to work until my state pension (AOW)?
Redundancy? And working elsewhere?
How will that affect your pension?
Click here to access 'My SPF Pension'. Click in the 'Pension Planner' on 'Leaving the company' tab and select the age from which your employment ends. The steps you can take afterwards can be found in the instructions on the 'How much pension?' page.
Redundancy plan with work guidance plan or commuted value sum followed by unemployment benefit?
Click here to access 'My SPF Pension'. Click in the 'Pension Planner' on 'Leaving the company' tab and select the age from which your employment ends. Now select in the 'Early retirement' tab your retirement date following the period of unemployment. The steps you can take afterwards can be found in the instructions on the 'How much pension?' page.
Continuing to work beyond the state pension age (AOW age)?
If you and the employer agree that you can work beyond the state pension age, the pension does not have to begin. You can postpone your pension for up to 5 years after your state pension age.